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US Chemical Storage: Acetone Uses, Risks, and Safety Tips

What is Acetone? Acetone is an organic compound that is the simplest and smallest ketone. It is an extremely versatile chemical with many industrial applications. This versatile liquid solvent can break down and dissolve other substances. For this reason, it is found in paint and varnish removers, cleaning degreasers, and countless other products. What are some applications for Acetone? In the automotive industry, this residue-free solvent is used in paint and strippers, as well as to clean spray painting equipment. In the textile industry, it is used to manufacture textiles by dissolving resin powder, which is then spun into synthetic fibers. It is also used as a degreaser in the production of natural fibers like wool and silk. Acetone is an important chemical used in the production of plastics and polycarbonates for packaging. It is also found in resins used for 3D printing. Acetone’s properties are used as a solvent in various pharmaceutical formulations. It is used in pills and liquids to create the correct dosage of active ingredients. Electronics require exceptionally clean components in the manufacturing process. Acetone efficiently removes oils or other unwanted substances without leaving any residue. In the environment, it can be used to contain oil spills and clean the water’s surface, marine life, plants, or animals. As a gasoline additive, acetone helps achieve optimal consistency, improving road fuel efficiency. In the cosmetics industry, Acetone may be best known as a nail polish remover, but it is also an ingredient in many perfumes, hair care products, and other cosmetics. What are the hazards of Acetone? NFPA 30 classifies acetone as a Class 1B flammable liquid, which means its most hazardous property is flammability. It is vital you read and fully understand your chemical Safety Data Sheet from the acetone supplier you use. How should you safely store Acetone? When storing acetone, the space should remain cool and dry, and fire hazards must be avoided. That means using explosion-proof equipment inside, mechanical ventilation, climate control, and dry chemical fire suppression systems. U.S Chemical Storage has created hundreds of buildings for the storage of acetone. Our technical sales engineers are ready to help you design your perfect solution. Contact us today. or 1-800-233-1480

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